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Eventpop API Documentation

User Authentication Flow

This flow is similar to App Authentication Flow But needs user’s action by granting the application to access their account with Authorization Code first.

Eventpop’s user authentication implementation is based on Authorization Code Grant flow of the OAuth 2 specification.

  1. User click Connect/Login with Eventpop from your website, or mobile application.
  2. User authenticates with Eventpop via Eventpop’s website, using their email & password as credentials.
  3. User authorizes/allow your application to use their account.
  4. User then redirects back to your website, or mobile application via Callback URL, along with embedded Authorization Code.
  5. Your website, or mobile application uses Authorization Code to request an Access Token
  6. The Access Token can be used to request user resource APIs eg. /me, /tickets

Step-by-step Guide

1. Create API Application

  • At the moment, creating API Application will be by request only.

2. Authenticate User

  • Build authorize url with your CLIENT_ID & CALLBACK_URL specified in your API Application

  • Redirect user to authorize url built, after that they’ll be redirected back to specified callback url with embedded Authorization Code, use it in the next step


  • Make a POST request to get Access Token to /oauth/token with following payload.



client_idNoYour application CLIENT_ID
client_secretNoYour application CLIENT_SECRET
codeNoYour authorization code from last step
redirect_uriNoYour application CALLBACK_URL
grant_typeNoUse "authorization_code"

You’ll get a JSON response including access_token

  "access_token": "420c80567e1246996420c83917ce9649e05a84421f3993745e5432998a56bc24",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 7200,
  "refresh_token": "0a10f2486af68f2a9c8fb773ff8065384cd0002624480b9d145f9a39091898e7",
  "scope": "public",
  "created_at": 1552036500
  • Use the access_token to request Eventpop API

You can choose between embedding the token in authorization header or within request parameters

Access token as bearer token in authorization header

Add HTTP header Authorization with value prefixed with Bearer and a space

curl "" -H "Authorization: Bearer your_access_token"

Access token in request parameters

Use your access token as query string parameter in GET requests, or body params in POST requests.

curl -X GET ""

The authorization header method is recommended, since you can include that to every requests without modifying any request parameters.