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Eventpop API Documentation

App Authentication Flow

To access organizer’s resource, you have to use Client Credentials Grant flow of the OAuth 2 specification.

  1. Your website, or mobile application use Client ID & Client Secret to request for Application Access Token.
  2. The Access Token can be used to request organizer resource APIs eg. /events

Step-by-step Guide

1. Create API Application

  • At the moment, creating API Application will be by request only.

2. Authenticate Application

  • Make a POST request to get Access Token to /oauth/token with following payload.



client_idYour application CLIENT_ID
client_secretYour application CLIENT_SECRET
grant_typeUse "client_credentials"

You’ll get a JSON response including access_token

  "access_token": "74303538dba108eb248a93842dfa3a568879ebbc49d72b5c4b8664ddeaaf52ac",
  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 7198,
  "scope": "public",
  "created_at": 1552035971
  • Use the access_token to request Eventpop API

You can choose between embedding the token in authorization header or within request parameters